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(or substitute the words:  Fresh Anointing)

(C)1998 Taveau D’Arcy All rights reserved.

www.ccli.com www.bmi.com

Holy Spirit, pour new life into me
Sweet mercy, from Calvary
Pour down just like rain make me whole once again

Holy Spirit pour new life into me.

Holy River, bring peace into my life

Living Waters, teaming with new life

Living streams of Your love coming down like a flood

Living Water, bring new life into me.


Jesus, You’re my Savior, You’re all I need forever

Plunge me deep in Your Sweet River

That flows from the throne of God

Living well, pour new life into me
I am thirsty and so deeply dry

Renew my mind, restore my dreams, take me beside Your gentle streams
Holy Spirit, I want to wade out in the deep.

Blessed Jesus, I love You so

Wherever You are, I want to be also

I’ll follow as Your Spirit leads, by Your living streams I’ll feed

Holy Spirit, pour new life into me.

(C)1998 Taveau D’Arcy All rights reserved.www.ccli.com

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